Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October 28 - November 1

     This week in class we discussed about the difficulties and changes a child can bring to a married couple. We discussed about different possible ways and agreed that a child can bring stress, a change in focus for both parents and bring financial difficulties unto the spouse. A child brings stress because parents begin to worry about how they will manage things in their house, they don't get enough sleep and worry about the necessities of the baby. Married couples begin to have different focuses in life, for example the mother might focus her daily life on her child while her husband might still focus on her. In many cases the husband might feel left out or unloved or it can be vice versa. Children causes a huge impact on married couples, its time consuming and the needs of each spouse are no longer met. Tension and loneliness can be felt when the needs of a spouse are not met. Married couples definitely need to work hard to stay together because statistics have shown that divorce occurs usually within the first 5 years of a child's birth or when all the children are almost all grown up. Statistics have also shown that the needs of a couple are met more after their children have moved out of their home. Couples really need to hold on tight and not let their problems take a toll on them, children can be stressing but they are definitely an amazing blessing. Patience is the key.

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